We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein

The human predicament...
With all the amazing scientific, technological and economic advancements, solutions to the most meaningful challenges still seem to elude us.
We have better healthcare, yet unhealthy people.
We have more efficient machines, yet we use more resources.
We have more renewable energy, yet more emissions.
We have more facts, yet less consensus.
We have more automation, yet we still burn out.
We have social networks, yet we feel lonely.
There's something fundamental missing in the way we design our systems and solutions.
The mission of Bright3r is to fill this gap
We're building capacity to improve our collective thinking and sensemaking processes to be able to understand meaningful challenges on a deep enough level where real progress can be made.
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Read papers and other resources with deep dives into the dynamics driving our challenges.
Holistic Thinking Academy
Join the immersive 5-week live online training programme, designed to get you:
From opinions to understanding
From thinking about symptoms to thinking about causes
From arguing to collaboration
From working IN the system to working ON the system
Custom workshops
Custom-made sessions and programs to get groups into the space for deep, collaborative problem solving and align them towards the desired state.
This can include:
Learning sessions
Generation of ideas
Facilitated decision making

Upcoming events

About us
Guided by the principles of FUN:
F = Fair. It means doing what's best for the system as a whole instead of pursuing narrow goals at the expense of other beings.
U = Unique. As similar as all individuals are, everybody has unique perspectives, experiences and skills to contribute to the common understanding and development.
N = No bullshit. From individual to global level, challenges are often propagated because we're afraid (or unable) to face the truth and directly address things that need to be addressed. At Bright3r, addressing those things is the whole point.
Latest papers
Deep dives, case studies, ongoing research regarding important challenges and practical guides on holistic thinking and problem solving.