About Bright3r
Our mission is to build capacity for better thinking and understanding of the most meaningful challenges on a deep enough level where real progress can occur.

F = Fair. It means doing what's best for the system as a whole instead of pursuing narrow goals at the expense of other beings.
U = Unique. As similar as all individuals are, everybody has unique perspectives, experiences and skills to contribute to the common understanding and development.
N = No bullshit. From individual to global level, challenges are often propagated because we're afraid (or unable) to face the truth and directly address things that need to be addressed. At Bright3r, addressing those things is the whole point.
Our principles spell FUN

My name is Ram Dušić Hren, the founder of Bright3r. Together with my business partners, we work with organisations to build sustainable business models, develop holistic problem solving skills and co-create a healthier and fairer economy.
Originally, I am a physicist, which just means I kept annoying people with "Why" questions long after kindergarten. Before Bright3r, I had careers in academic research, in tech startups and in one of the largest global tech corporations.
Find out more & connect on Linkedin.

Years since Bright3r started
Workshops and trainings facilitated
Microseconds spent writing this number to catch your attention

”Engaging stakeholders in a constructive exchange of ideas that result in concrete collaboration is not an easy task. Ram is a "master of facilitation" and with him as the orchestrator of the process, you can count on tangible results.”
- Ladeja Godina Košir, Executive Director at Circular Change

”With his great intuition, analytical mind, and creative solutions, Ram is the benchmark for professionalism and results. He will expertly devote his time to improving your company's results and help you achieve your desired goal.”
- Klemen Furlan, CEO at GoGiro

”We loved Ram's dedication to circular economy. In addition to experience, he has strong facilitation and communication skills on an international stage, and a talent for distilling a broad topic into a clear and impactful message.”
- Darko Stojan, CEO at Avitel Sonce

”Every company should have a chance to work with Ram. Scientific mindset combined with emotional intelligence allows Ram to work in domains as complex as blockchain and instantly click with any team.”
- Nino Kutnjak, ex CPO at Iconomi
Some of the partners, clients and projects